dangers of alcohol

Alcohol Increases Mouth Disease-Causing Mouth Bacteria

Consumption of too much alcohol may imbalance good and bad bacteria in the oral cavity. According to reports, your mouth contains a good combination of both good and bad bacteria. If you regularly drink alcoholic beverages, then it disrupts the mix of oral microbes. This imbalance may cause gum infections, heart diseases, etc.

Dental DiseaseThere are several types of research conducted on people who consume alcohol daily. These reports are compared with ones who are non-alcoholics. Some of the news from the Perlmutter Cancer Center in New York City suggests that the good bacteria or microbes are gradually reduced in people who consume alcohol. It is also observed that it increased the number of inflammatory bacteria in the oral cavity for regular alcohol drinkers. The study reveals that there are more than 700 types of bacteria present in the oral cavity, which can prevent many diseases when appropriately balanced.

Many different species of microorganisms reside in the oral cavity, which helps us to build our immunity, maintain health, aid in digestion, and prevent diseases such as cancer. Some unhealthy microbes such as Bacteroides, Actinomyces, and Neisseria are found in heavy alcoholic individuals. Alcoholics also had less good bacteria such as Lactobacillales, which improves health.

Imbalance in the microbes in the oral cavity might cause problems such as bad breath, tooth decay, periodontal diseases, etc. Harmful bacteria are harmful to the well-being of the individual. One of the adverse effects of alcohol is dry mouth. Saliva, which is present in the mouth, is beneficial. It prevents bad breath, fights tooth decay, and provides minerals to healthy teeth and gums. In alcohol drinkers, saliva content is reduced, which may cause problems related to the oral cavity.

dental diseaseThe imbalance of these bacteria affects the oral cavity and can also affect your general health by causing cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal problems. Bleeding gums is a problem that can be linked to heart diseases. This open wound lets harmful bacteria containing toxins into the blood. Bleeding gums can cause diseases related to the heart or the nervous system.

One of the easy ways to get rid of the harmful effects of alcohol is to drink plenty of water. Water washes away liquor residues from the tongue and replenishes the saliva. This could help retain good bacteria in the oral cavity.

Dr. Ahn, who is the Associate Director at the Perlmutter Cancer Centre, has done research with her associates. They surveyed 1044 adults between the ages of 55 and 87. They analyzed the composition of microbes present in the oral cavity of these individuals. This group is composed of 270 non-drinkers, 614 moderate drinkers, and 160 heavy drinkers. The study cannot distinguish between the samples of beer or wine or any other liquor drinkers. The composition shows a definite increase in the level of harmful bacteria in the oral cavities of alcohol drinkers.

The research is still unable to determine if changing the microbiome’s composition could lead to healthier bacteria levels for alcoholic drinkers. But some diseases can be prevented by good bacteria in the mouth cavity. More research must be done to get a better picture of how to address this issue. It is still not clear if alcohol kills good bacteria or if it merely supports the growth of bad bacteria.

There are many potential reasons for this microbe imbalance in alcohol drinkers. One possible explanation could be that the acid present in alcohol may destroy the good bacteria in the oral cavity. Alcohol, when consumed, further breaks down into chemical substances like acetaldehydes. It along with other harmful substances, may cause an imbalance in the microbiome environment.