$3,500 Clear Adult Braces

Wearing braces is not just for kids!
Adults find that teeth straightening
helps their social and professional
lives. Promenade Murrieta Dentist
can help adults straighten their teeth
with inexpensive $3,500 clear Murrieta adult braces.

(951) 412-0127

clear adult braces
clear adult braces
Murrieta Dentist

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$3,500 Murrieta Adult Braces near me for Teeth Straightening
using Clear Braces like Invisalign Adult Braces

adult braces near me - teeth straightening - invisalign clear bracesWearing clear braces is not just for kids! Adults find that teeth straightening helps their social and professional lives. Promenade Temecula Dentist can help adults straighten their teeth. Braces bring out better and brighter smiles for a beautiful smile. These days, some options make adult braces inconspicuous. Promenade Dental Care only uses clear braces or invisible braces. The popularity of adult braces keeps getting stronger.

Several years ago, it was rare to see adults opt for braces. Today, technology has enabled people to get clear braces, which can no longer be undetected by prying eyes. This helps adults become more comfortable with the idea of getting braces.

Further, the braces are more than just aesthetic solutions. It is not just to make you look more pretty when you smile. A well-formed set of teeth is also easier to clean and care for. There are also fewer chances for germs and cavities to form with fewer nooks and crannies. They can help close the wide gaps between teeth where the germs thrive the most.

Braces are also used for more serious dental procedures. Adults might need braces when finding solutions for missing teeth, or patients might need some space or bone built up for implants. Braces can be used in more complicated matters. An example is using braces to form the base for prosthetic work.

Having crooked teeth can be painful, as well. They might hinder your ability to eat, speak, or move your mouth. They might cause pain when you move your jaw. They might even cause you to bite yourself when you are not careful. Braces can be used in such cases to fix those problems.

Going out in public with braces is no longer a problem anymore. Adult braces are barely noticeable these days and do not stick out like they did in the past. They gently apply steady pressure to the teeth to move and fall into a proper structure.

They have three components. Brackets are placed on every tooth, and bonding fixes them to the teeth. Finally, an archwire connects all the brackets.

Traditional Metal Braces vs. Invisible Adult Braces

Traditional braces have been the go-to method for teeth straightening for decades. They consist of metal brackets and wires attached to the teeth, gradually shifting to the desired position. While effective, traditional braces can be bulky, uncomfortable, and aesthetically unappealing, especially for adults who may be conscious of their appearance.

On the other hand, invisible adult braces, also known as clear braces, offer a more discreet alternative. These braces are virtually invisible when worn and made from an explicit, medical-grade plastic material. They are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth, gently guiding them into the desired position. With invisible adult braces, you can straighten your teeth without drawing attention to your treatment.

What are the Advantages of Invisible Adult Braces?

Murrieta adult braces near meThere are numerous advantages to choosing invisible adult braces over traditional braces. Firstly, their discreet nature allows you to undergo teeth straightening treatment without feeling self-conscious about your appearance. Whether in a professional setting or attending social events, you can confidently continue your daily activities, knowing that your braces are virtually invisible.

Secondly, invisible adult braces offer greater comfort compared to traditional braces. The smooth plastic material eliminates the risk of irritation and discomfort often associated with metal brackets and wires. Additionally, clear braces are removable, meaning you can remove them when eating or brushing your teeth, making it easier to maintain good oral hygiene throughout your treatment.

Furthermore, invisible adult braces typically require fewer visits to the dentist for adjustments compared to traditional braces. This allows you to save time and money while achieving the desired results. With Murrieta’s invisible adult braces, you can enjoy the convenience and flexibility that fit seamlessly into your busy adult lifestyle.

How Do Invisible Adult Braces Work

Invisible adult braces utilize a series of custom-made aligners that gradually shift your teeth into the desired position. The process begins with a consultation with your dentist, who will assess your oral health and determine if invisible adult braces suit you. If so, impressions or 3D scans of your teeth will be taken to create your custom aligners.

Once your aligners are ready, you will receive a series of trays, each slightly different from the last. You will wear each tray for a designated period, usually around two weeks, before moving on to the next tray in the series. Each tray exerts gentle pressure on your teeth, gradually guiding them into alignment.

You will have regular check-ups with your dentist throughout your treatment to monitor your progress and ensure your teeth move as planned. The length of treatment varies depending on the severity of your case. Still, on average, most adults can achieve their desired results within 12 to 18 months with Murrieta’s invisible adult braces.

clear braces - cheap braces - adult braces near meWhat are the Treatment Options for Braces?

Tooth-Colored Braces:  These are the same color as your teeth. They are practically invisible to the eye, do not grab people’s attention, and are far less intimidating. However, they do stain pretty easily.

Clear Braces: These braces are transparent. They are practically invisible and go undetected by non-prying eyes. They are some of the best options. This is a good choice if you are concerned about the looks people might give you if you wear braces.

Metal Braces:  These are stainless steel braces. They are much more precise and can be built small, fitting in tiny places or areas other braces cannot reach.

Gold Braces:  These braces are made of stainless steel and coated with gold paint. They are flashier versions of braces built for people who wish to flaunt their braces. These flashy braces are more popular with younger people than with older ones.

Clear Aligners:  We offer clear aligners. They work the same as the Invisalign© brand of aligners. Braces can be removed for cleaning, eating, or brushing purposes. They are barely noticeable and should be worn for around 22 hours daily. The negative aspect of clear aligners is that they can need high maintenance. Keeping them hygienic for the mouth after being taken out cannot be easy. They can also easily stain people who drink coffee or wine or eat.

Lingual Braces:  Lingual braces are invisible aligner braces attached to the interior side of the teeth. Because of this, the braces are always hidden from the public eye. Lingual braces are an option for people who are sensitive about their image.

There are a variety of braces when deciding on the best choice for you. Braces can be a lot more complicated for adults than for kids. Children have thick gums, making it easier for dentists to work with them. As we get older, our gums get weaker and start to recede. We also lose some of our bones. Orthodontists have to work with patients’ general dentists when they add braces. This ensures they keep track of the patient’s gums and dental problems.

Caring for Your Invisible Adult Braces

Proper care and maintenance of your Murrieta invisible adult braces are essential to ensure the success of your treatment. Here are some tips to help you care for your clear braces:

  • Keep your aligners clean: Rinse them with lukewarm water each time you remove them. Avoid using hot water, as it can warp the plastic. Brush your aligners gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to remove plaque or debris.
  • Avoid eating or drinking with your aligners: To prevent staining and damage to your aligners, it is best to remove them when eating or drinking anything other than water. Be sure to brush your teeth before reinserting your aligners to maintain good oral hygiene.
  • Store your aligners properly: When not wearing them, store them in their designated case to prevent loss or damage. Avoid placing them in a napkin or tissue, as they may accidentally be thrown away.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene: Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly before reinserting your aligners to prevent plaque buildup. It is also important to attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings during treatment.

Following these tips and practicing good oral hygiene ensures that your Murrieta invisible adult braces deliver the best possible results.

Murrieta Adult Braces are Now only $3,500! These clear braces look like Invisalign but are less expensive.

People have to wear braces for much less time than before. It can be as little as six months or up to 17 months. It all depends on how much work the dentist needs to do on an adult’s mouth. The teeth keep moving even after the braces are taken off. Some people choose to apply retainers for life.

Don’t waste any more time. Call Promenade Temecula Dentist today at (951) 412-0127. We will schedule an appointment for Murrieta adult braces. We are known for the best and cheapest upper teeth and lower teeth braces, and Promenade has many ways to help improve your smile for straight teeth. Call today or read our recent press release about braces for adults.

See the press release about Temecula Adult Braces and the Six Month Smile.


Our Customer Google Reviews

Debra Davidowitz
Debra Davidowitz
Good Day, My name is Debby and I have been a patient of Dr. Nyugens now for over a decade at Promenade Dental. Doctor and staff, which includes Edith are incredibly wonderful, so kind, caring and compassionate, yet professional. They go above and beyond to care for their patients which includes painless treatments in a calming atmosphere. Dr. Nyugen met me at his office for an emergency visit during the height of covid and I will forever be thankful for it! I refer family and friends who have a pleasant experience also. Most Sincerely!
Jay D
Jay D
I am completely terrified of the dentist. I neglected getting anything done for years and years because of bad experiences and just general fear and anxiety. Well I got sick of having an aching jaw everyday so I came in and got a x-ray and consultation and they told me what work needed to be done. The price was pretty much half of what comparable dentists wanted and they were really really nice to me. So I saved up the money and went back in for the procedure. The doctor gave me some anxiety meds which completely relaxed me and they were just great about everything and I can honestly say I have way less fear and anxiety about going back to the dentist. The best part was they did all my procedures at once so I wouldn't have to make return visits. I got a tooth extraction, a crown, a handful of cavities, a deep cleaning and some other stuff all done at the exact same time. It's been 3 days now and everything is healing beautifully I'm no longer in any pain and I'm just grateful. So if you have any anxiety about going to the dentist, this is the place for you. Oh and tell the doctor I said get rid of that creepy tooth picture in the waiting room haha!
Philip Canaday
Philip Canaday
Skilled, friendly, and includes you every step of the way. Love that I could do a full cap replacement in one visit. Thank you Dr. Bao, you're my new go to man for dental work. Yessica at the front desk is a big help too. :-)
Sharma Kliche LLP
Sharma Kliche LLP
Very comfortable office. Dr. Bao N. is AMAZING! He is gentle, straight to the point and HONEST. 👍
Sheila O'Connor
Sheila O'Connor
Very knowledgable and good prices. Does only what is necessary. Does not just look for stuff to charge for. Got an appointment quickly when I thought it was an emergency. My favorite dentist ever!!
Tom Haynes
Tom Haynes
Dr. Nguyen does a great job. He is always on time and very honest. Never has you do unnecessary treatments, just to make extra money. I love that he is a solo practitioner and runs his own shop. That keeps his overhead costs low and he knows you more personally as a patient. All my family comes to see him. Best dentist I've ever had.
Alicia Alvarado
Alicia Alvarado
Absolutely the best care! I became a patient in July of last year and needed some emergency dental work. I was able to get in the same day and have a crown and root canal done with zero pain! I recently had another toothache and was again provided a prompt same day appointment. Hands down the best dental experience I’ve had! Zero pain, zero wait time and very quick care. Pricing is always up front and affordable also. I used to dread making dentist appointments and coming in but coming here has completely shifted my experience. 100% recommend!!
Blue Sheppard
Blue Sheppard
Dr Nguyen is very quick but very gentle, he has more practical experience than most others, so my wife and I recommend his fine dentistry.